Our History | Maison Leliege

A Story of Mother and Daughter: The Creation of Leliège

For all those who discover our universe, but also for those who have been by our side since the beginning, let us tell you our story: this beautiful adventure which led to the creation of our unique jewelry brand: Leli age .

It all begins with a dream shared by a mother and her daughter... The mother, passionate about crafts and jewelry creation, and the daughter, in love with the sun, jewelry and a globetrotter at heart.

The Mother, Jewelry Craftsman

A lover of the sun and travel, the mother, Valérie, decided to leave her job as a real estate agent in 2019 to first start a brand of scented candles. Being manual and creative, she then decided to start creating jewelry following a conversation with her daughter who could not find the jewelry she imagined in stores. Valérie begins creating bohemian jewelry for fun. These creations quickly attract the attention of those around her, her friends and her customers at the artisan boutique where she displays her creations.

A year after launching the boutique, Valérie began creating jewelry to order and presenting it at private sales and designer markets. Her inspiration comes naturally to her, and she discovers a passion for creating sunny and elegant jewelry.

The Girl, Globetrotter

Her daughter, Audrey, lives on sunny adventures and distant explorations. Having worked in marketing for numerous jewelry brands, she brings her expertise and modern vision to the young brand. She sets out to discover new cultures and exotic landscapes, bringing back ideas and inspiration for new creations from her travels. His passion for travel and his taste for the unknown fuel the creativity of the brand, which evolves with each new destination visited.

Leliège: A New Identity

In 2024, the brand takes off again, with a new look, we have created a range of jewelry that suits us, which we want to offer you with the launch of the e-shop. You will now be able to find all our collections wherever you are, in homage to the bohemian spirit, which reflects Audrey's world and nomadic lifestyle. Together we continue to dream, create and inspire with jewelry that tells a story, infused with our adventures and our love of sunshine and travel.

The new jewelry collection, called "Solaire", is a wink to these sunny getaways and the sunlight that makes us radiant all summer long.

Each piece is in limited quantity, reflecting the choice to produce responsibly and without overproduction.

Thank you for being with us and helping to make this dream possible.

“Have the courage to follow your own ideals and live the life of your dreams to the fullest.”

Valerie & Audrey

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